Instant Peace - 6 Day Mindfulness Challenge

Mindset Mastery for a Lighter Life

  • Powerful + Practical Tools for Everyday Life

    Practical, simple and deeply calming tools mindfulness practices to quickly de-stress 'calm your farm' and master mindset in everyday situations without having to sit and 'ohm' for hours! Easy to integrate into daily life, where and when you need it most.

  • Nurse Created + Facilitated Learning

    Tailored program with the extra safety-net and comfort of a program created and facilitated by our Founder, Kristy Lee Rackham, stress and anxiety expert, Registered Nurse, Master Intuitive Healer, Holistic Health Coach and mother of two!

  • Underpinned by Leading-edge Science

    Highly Effective stress and anxiety self-regulation tools backed by leading edge research in mindset and Epigenetic sciences - the new frontier in you-centred, soul-empowered healthcare so you can live lighter and stress free.

Course curriculum

    1. DAY 1 TRAINING : Mindfulness Challenge - 'Having Mind-Sight' [video 36:52]

    2. DAY 1 ACTIVITY: Challenge Playbook PDF

    3. DAY 1 MEDITATION: The Observer [audio 2m06s]

    1. DAY 2 TRAINING : Mindfulness Challenge - 'The Breath of Life' [video 26m23]

    2. DAY 2 ACTIVITY: Challenge Playbook PDF

    3. DAY 2 MEDITATION : Heart Breathing Coherence Meditation [audio 7:40]

    4. DAY 2 MEDITATION : Counting The Breath [Audio 5m26s]

    5. DAY 2 MEDITATION : These Four Breaths Are Mine [audio 8m28s]

    1. DAY 3 TRAINING : Mindfulness Challenge: 'The Right Kind of Body Conscious" [video 62:08]

    2. DAY 3 ACTIVITY: Mindfulness Challenge PDF

    3. DAY 3 ACTIVITY: Body Scan Tracker PDF

    4. DAY 3 MEDITATION: Body Scan Meditation [audio 5m56]

    1. DAY 4 TRAINING : Mindfulness Challenge - The Sounds of Silence [video 51:16]

    2. DAY 4 ACTIVITY: Mindfulness Challenge PDF

    1. DAY 5 TRAINING : Mindfulness Challenge - "Sensory Perception" [video 17m43s]

    2. DAY 5 ACTIVITY : Mindfulness Challenge PDF

About this course

  • 6 x $25.00
  • 25 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content